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Regional partnership of Sky Tea House
Yamecha Tours

We offer extensive tours on historical sites and of the tea industry in Kasahara. Our tours include activities such as tea picking, visiting tea processing plants, learning how to brew tea, hiking, and Zen meditation workshops at Reiganji Temple. Tours also offer guests a look at the tea ceremony room on the Reiganji Temple grounds. We work with tea farmers directly to provide the best tours possible.

Tea Field Management

Japan is experiencing social issues such as an aging, shrinking population and weakening agricultural industry. Many seniors in Kasahara are coping by entrusting their farmland to younger generations. The owner of Casa de Grandma and Sky Tea House, Mr. Sakamoto after been all over the world for many years and came back, started learning how to farm tea and rice with the guidance of his elders. It’s a dirty job, but the labor comes with rewards of harvests and stronger ties to the region. Little by little, Mr. Sakamoto is helping to preserve the history and culture of Kasahara.

 It is his hope that people will visit Sky Tea House and enjoy the nature that grows around this village.

you can purchase his Tea, price range is 700 jpy to 1200 jpy for Sencha(mainly organic), shipping cost isn't included, please contact us!

(He presented his tea to the person who he respects and admire the most, Jose Mujica the ex-president of Urguay)

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